6/2 Let’s Define some Terms used in the Christian Foundation Message

Anyone who meets the real Jesus was and is never the same. 

Either they joined Him or they rejected Him – seldom was there any middle ground.

Just being in the room with Jesus would have left you different.  He was and still is totally, radically challenging.  Encountering the reality of Jesus meant allowing everything else to fade.  The consequence was their willingness to abandon wealth, power, status, position and even to giving up their lives.  You meet Jesus and change occurs!

The same thing happens today when you meet the living Jesus!

It will help with our discussion on the Counterfeits as the Challenges to the Christian Faith if we work out some definitions first. 

A.  Let’s define some terms:

It does help if we speak the same language on these topics.  The terms Christians use can be confusing for many people. In one person’s mind, a term means one thing while to someone else, that same term means something else.  So the foundation for this series needs to start where we have some concept of the terms being thrown around.  The definition of the following terms can be found in the Collins Concise Dictionary.

1.  ‘Religion’“A cause, principle or system of belief, held to with ardour and faith which attempts to explain the origins of life, the purpose of life or the way life has developed.”

From this definition, we can expand the term to include any philosophy, system of beliefs or ways of thinking about the origins of life, or the ways that life has developed to include both secular Humanism and Evolution are classified as ‘religions’.  See our other post on Secular Humanism – 3/ 5a Secular Humanism – http://christianfoundations.jesus-treeoflife.info/?p=546    or use  http://tinyurl.com/9og6hzr in your browser. 

2.  ‘Doctrine’ is the essential truths of God’s Word, the Biblical foundations upon which we build, 2 Timothy 2:15-16, 3:15 –17. The purpose is to set out in systematic order, the teachings we need to hold to as believers.

3.  ‘Rituals’ are any formal act, established form or ceremony, institution, procedure or that is followed consistently. In Christianity, we have many Biblical based ‘rituals’ that symbolise important doctrines or teachings of Jesus.

These rituals include baptism and communion as basics taught in the Word.  Other ‘rituals’ have been added such as tithing, church attendance, church government systems, praise and worship sessions – things we do to keep the organised church system running.

5.  ‘Sacraments’ are the most important Christian rituals are called sacraments, sacred rites

6.  ‘Traditions of man’ – The customs, beliefs, thoughts handed down through the generations.

7.  ‘Counterfeit’ – made in imitation of something genuine.  The counterfeit church system is the ‘religious’ organization that presents as Christian but is without ‘the fruit’ of a Jesus touched life.

8.  ‘The Church’ – people who have responded to the call of Jesus versus the bricks and stones of a building.

B.  There are several Approaches to being a Jesus Follower

1.  As we go through these terms, we can see they can be applied in many different meanings to different people.

I am talking about ‘the church’ meaning the people within the building, a particular domination.  To others, the ‘rituals’ used in Christianity have definite meaning beyond just going through the actions of doing a ritual.

To some, having ‘doctrines’ means following other people rules and views; other find the Bible doctrines handed down from the early church to be essential in their faith walk.

2.  What makes the difference?

To some, the beauty found in cathedrals adds life to their spirit; to another person, it represents the idolatry of control and abuse.  For many, have a priesthood that is ordained is anathema to the ‘priesthood of all believers’.  For many people, having a set church board and elders gives them a feeling of security and permanence.

3.  Why is there so much disagreement if we are all of one Spirit?

Many of the views you will see and hear go something like this: “Jesus I love …..but the church not so much.”  There are three main views people take in this whole subject:

a.  Through Rituals where Christian life is reduced to ceremonies, handed down by man, without touching the heart.  You will find plenty of church ‘boxes’ and people who think this is the way they were find God.

b.  Through Revelation, where we receive the Truth by the Spirit, producing Faith and enter into the things of God by the ‘aha’ knowing.  People may emphasis experience over the Word to guide their faith.

c.  By Relationship with Him, fellowshipping with Jesus and others in the Faith.

4.  There is an old saying:  You need two tracks to follow the Lord Jesus, like a train.  If you only have one single track – the Bible – you will dry up. ..or if you have the other single track – the Holy Spirit – you will blow up.  We need both the Word and the Spirit to grow as healthy Jesus Followers.

As we go through the following posts, try and sort through your own view of the ‘organised, system church’ versus the living, growing body of people that make up the church.  Where is your walk with Him and how real is the faith handed down from the early church in your own life?

Remember we welcome genuine comments on these topics!

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author



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